Express Yourself. Or Die a Little Bit Every Day.

That’s a fact, my friends. You weren’t put here on this great earth to play it little. I think, especially women and the shy, deal with this. I am a woman but not longer shy.  I AM however 100% introverted and proud as hell about it.

In this extroverted world, don’t ever let anyone delude you into believing that being an introvert isn’t anything but a marvelous gift.

(For one thing, you are unlikely to offend people. Because you use your brain before you speak.  It’s a good thing.)

But this is not a rant. Let’s get to the point…

It’s something to think about……if you are shy, if are a woman, if you hate meetings, whatever your deal…

Remember this:


Now go find some wild idea’s and get on it!


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